“If I ever go looking for my heart’s desire again, I won’t look any further than my own backyard. Because if it isn’t there, I never really lost it to begin with.” I do love Wizard of Oz, so I ask of you how often do you go out and explore your own backyard?


I’ll admit, I’m not great about it myself, but hot damn I live in a beautiful place. I am sure you do too, sometimes we just need to explore to find it.  My sister suggested we go visit The Mystery Cave, sounds very Scooby-Dooish doesn’t it?  I didn’t even know about it, we have so many state parks in Minnesota and this little gem is hidden here. The Mystery Cave State Park offered us a unique opportunity to do a photo tour before the main tours opened up for the public which gave us time to explore and setup at our leisure.  Naturally we were drawn to Turquoise Lake a beautiful underground lake with an amazing color due to the dissolve calcite in the water.

Shot at 2 sec. f9 26mm